
人类学- 2024年秋季


Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
Online - Synchronous (Zoom)
Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
混合型-网上 Asynchronous & 在线同步(缩放)
A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource 和 a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
混合型-网上 & 面对面
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus 和 a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
混合型-网上 Asynchronous & 在人
Classes meet in both asynchronous online 和 in-person modes; specific meeting times 和 locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
Hybrid - 在线同步(缩放) & 在人
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) 和 in-person modes; specific meeting times 和 locations are listed with each course
Combines online 和 面对面的 instruction. Students may participate in different ways: online - synchronous, 在线-异步, 面对面的, or as a flexible learner (student has a degree of choice as to how they participate each week).
Flex courses may provide students with the opportunity to meet in-person on campus, on the synchronous days 和 times already scheduled, if 条件允许.
估算credits are developmental courses for students who need to prepare themselves for college-level work. They count toward financial aid requirements but do not count toward earned college credits or GPA.
Classes are taught live from one campus location 和 broadcast to one or more additional campus locations. Cameras 和 microphones at all sites allow faculty 和 learners to see 和 talk with each other.
Human Origins 和 Evolution — 3892
蚂蚁1510 – 3 credits
香农E. 凯瑟琳

Traces the biological evolution 和 current biological diversity of the human species. Students will critically analyze contemporary primates 和 their behavior, hominid fossils 和 artifacts, 和 modern human variation to underst和 the meaning of the theory of evolution 和 the ongoing biological adaptations of human beings. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall; C fall. Institutional Course Syllabus

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
介绍 to Cultural Anthropology — 3893
蚂蚁1520 – 3 credits
雷切尔维. 奥布莱恩

Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will underst和 the patterning of social 和 cultural systems among societies around the world 和 gain global 和 ethnic underst和ing. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. 蚂蚁1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午11:00 -下午12:15
介绍 to Cultural Anthropology — 3894
蚂蚁1520 – 3 credits
香农E. 凯瑟琳

Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will underst和 the patterning of social 和 cultural systems among societies around the world 和 gain global 和 ethnic underst和ing. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. 蚂蚁1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
介绍 to Cultural Anthropology — 3895
蚂蚁1520 – 3 credits
Arnaud F. 兰伯特

Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will underst和 the patterning of social 和 cultural systems among societies around the world 和 gain global 和 ethnic underst和ing. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. 蚂蚁1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD
介绍 to Cultural Anthropology — 4485
蚂蚁1520 – 3 credits
雷切尔维. 奥布莱恩

Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will underst和 the patterning of social 和 cultural systems among societies around the world 和 gain global 和 ethnic underst和ing. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. 蚂蚁1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月20日 Mon, Wed 下午1:30 - 2:45
介绍 to Cultural Anthropology — 4498
蚂蚁1520 – 3 credits
Arnaud F. 兰伯特

Examines the nature of the concept of cultural behavior. Students will underst和 the patterning of social 和 cultural systems among societies around the world 和 gain global 和 ethnic underst和ing. Students will also determine the universal as well as variations involved in each cultural system. 蚂蚁1510 is not a prerequisite for this course. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J spring; C spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

— 卡特罗格斯县校园
8月26日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午11:00 -下午12:15
Anthropology of Supernatural — 3896
蚂蚁1530 – 3 credits
Arnaud F. 兰伯特

Students will examine cultural expressions of belief in the supernatural, focusing specifically on people's ideas about magic, 巫术, 和宗教. This course takes a wide-ranging 和 cross-cultural approach to studying religious beliefs 和 behaviors. Although this class focuses on the "indigenous" religions of Africa, 亚洲, 澳大利亚, 太平洋, 和 the Americas; elements of the "world religions" such as Christianity, 犹太教, 和 Islam are also discussed. Students will have the opportunity to contrast other people's beliefs 和 practices with their own 和 develop a deeper underst和ing of the role of religion in the human experience. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus

8月26日- 12月20日 Mon, Wed 上午11:00 -下午12:15
介绍. to Dis/Ability Studies — 4486
蚂蚁2550 – 3 credits
香农E. 凯瑟琳

Students will explore both the medical model 和 the social model of what it means to be ?健全的? 和 ?残疾,? 和 the benefits 和 disadvantages of those labels for the people who bear them. Students will also compare 和 contrast the concepts of ability 和 disability for people living around the globe, 和 underst和 the work of social activists in the disability community. 最后, we will address the new possibilities that are emerging in the form of technologies 和 medications, 和 what that means for access 和 identity. Eligibility: ENG 1510 without supports or Corequisite: ENG 1510 with supports. J fall, spring; C fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus

8月26日- 12月20日 TBD